

Secondary I Curriculum

All students registered are automatically enrolled in the following required courses, Courses are offered in English, French, or both depending on the stream chosen:

regular (franÇais, langue seconde) Immersion (FranÇais, langue seconde enrichi) FranÇais, langue d'enseignement
English Language Arts 1 English Language Arts 1 English Language Arts 1
Français, langue seconde 1 Français immersion 1 Français langue d’enseignement 1
Mathematics 1 Mathématique 1 Mathématique 1
Science & Technology 1    Science & technologie 1    Science & technologie 1
Géographie 1 & 2 Géographie 1 & 2 Géographie 1 & 2
P. E. & Health 1 P.E. & Health 1             P.E.and Health 1
Ethics and Religious Culture 1 Ethics and Religious Culture 1 Ethics and Religious Culture 1


Students must select one of the following arts education courses. French Immersion and langue d’enseignement take their course in French.

Arts / Arts Plastique 1 Drama / Arts Dramatique 1
Dance / Danse 1 Music / Musique 1


Below you can download a .zip file containing all .pdfs of the Standards and Procedures for that grade level

Secondary 1 LHA Sec1 Standards&>Standards and Procedures


Secondary II Curriculum

All students registered are automatically enrolled in the following required courses, Courses are offered in English, French, or both depending on the stream chosen:

Regular (franÇais langue seconde) Immersion (FranÇais, langue seconde enrichi) FranÇais, langue d'enseignement
English Language Arts 2 English Language Arts 2 English Language Arts 2
Français, langue seconde 2 Français, immersion 2 Français langue d’enseignement 2
Mathematics 2 Mathématique 2 Mathématique 2
Science & Technology 2 Science & technologie 2 Science & technologie 2
History & Citizenship 1 & 2 Histoire & citoyenneté 1 & 2 Histoire & citoyenneté 1 & 2
P. E. & Health 2 P.E. & Health 2    P.E.and Health 2
Ethics and Religious Culture 2 Ethics and Religious Culture 2 Ethics and Religious Culture 2


Students must select of the following arts education courses. French Immersion and langue d’enseignement take their course in French. Returning students must select the same course as chosen in Secondary 1:

Arts / Arts Plastique 2 Drama / Arts Dramatique 2
Dance / Danse 2 Music / Musique 2


Below you can download a .zip file containing all .pdfs of the Standards and Procedures for that grade level

Secondary 2 LHA Sec 2 Standards &">Standards and Procedures


For Secondary 3 to 5 course curricula, visit our Senior Campus website.

About our French programs

At LaurenHill, students can enroll in three french streams, Regular (français langue seconde), Immersion (français, langue second enrichi) and français langue d'enseignement.

franÇais, langue seconde

This program aims to help students develop the following three skills through participation through interactive learning and to to strengthen and develop the following language skills:

  • Interact in French
  • Read a variety of texts in French
  • Produce a variety of texts in French

While learning French as a second language students reflect not only their personal lives but also on major social issues.

franÇais, langue seconde enrichi

This program will help students develop the same skills as Français, langue seconde, but includes additional content that will encourage students to explore contemporary French literature.

  • Communicate orally on a variety of subjects
  • Read and enjoy French literary texts
  • Write a variety of texts in French

While learning French as a second language students reflect not only their personal lives but also on major social issues.

franÇais, langue d'enseignement

This program is designed for students who have completed all program requirements of French as a second language and who wish to obtain, at the end of their studies, a certificate of French Language Arts. This program will enable students to develop three skills:

  • Communicate orally on a variety of subjects
  • Read and enjoy a variety of texts
  • Write a variety of texts in French

This program, recognized by MELS is also available in French public schools.